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등록일자 : 2020-12-22 조회수 : 5334
대만에 본사를 두고 있는 다국적 제약회사인 한국 파마에센시아에서 함께 일할 MSL을 찾고 있습니다.
근무지: 서울 종로구
근무형태: 정규직(Regular)
Position: Medical Science Liaison
Role & Responsibilities
1. Support development of local medical strategy and execution
2. Support the regulatory and market access to ensure the product launch by generating the communication strategy and supporting the medical references.
3. Manage the investigator initiated clinical trials conducted in Korea
4. Execute the medical activities such as scientific publication, advisory boards, educational symposiums, scientific meetings, etc.
5. Develop educational materials to comply with local regulation and PharmaEssentia compliance
6. Educate HCPs about newly updated information related to company portfolio
7. Support company strategy and activities
8. Engage and manage key opinion leaders and stakeholders to raise the awareness on disease and treatment
9. Manage the medical budget allocation and execution
1. PharmD, Ph.D. or M.Sc. in Pharmacy, chemistry or Biology
2. MSL experience preferred
3. Strong organizational, communication, negotiation and interpersonal skills
4. Ability to work well in a cross-functional and matrix environment
5. Strong collaborative ability and dedication to team accomplishment
6. Expert knowledge, understanding and application of global codes/principles (including GCP), local regulations governing the pharmaceutical industry and medical affairs
7. Compliance mindset
8. Fluent in English, written and spoken
Salary and benefit: Negotiable
[지원 방법]
Info_Korea@pharmaessentia.com 으로 이력서를 보내주세요.
[제출 서류]
영문자유양식의 이력서/자기소개서
[서류 마감]
채용 시 마감
[문 의]
TEL. 02-2109-4911
이전글 네오뉴트라㈜ SSU(Study Start Up) 정규직 채용(신입&경력) 2020.12.31
다음글 (주)메디칼엑셀런스 경력 CRA 모집 공고 2020.12.10