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등록일자 : 2017-11-23 조회수 : 5591
Sr/Drug Safety Associate (PV Specialist) Responsibilities / Duties
Sr/Assoc Drug Safety will Manage the receipt and processing of all adverse event reports reported either spontaneously from any source or from a clinical trial. This includes, but is not limited to.
? entry of safety data onto adverse event database(s) and tracking systems ? review of adverse events for completeness, accuracy and appropriateness for expedited reporting ? write patient narratives ? code adverse events accurately using MedDRA ? determine expectedness/listedness against appropriate label ? identifies clinically significant information missing from initial reports and ensures its collection ? ensure case receives appropriate medical review ? prepare follow-up correspondence consulting the medical staff accordingly. ? ensure all cases that require expediting reporting to worldwide regulatory agencies are processed swiftly and appropriately within required timelines ? reporting of endpoints to clients, regulatory authorities, ethics committees, investigators and Covance project personnel, if required, within study specified timelines ? Support electronic submission of safety reports to Korea MFDS and act as point of contact for safety related question to MFDS ? Maintain a strong understanding of Covance’s safety database conventions or client specific database conventions, as appropriate. ? Begin participating in signal detection and trend and pattern recognition activities, as appropriate. ? Begin preparing timely pharmacovigilance reports for products and safety issues, including Individual Case Summary Reports (ICSRs) of Serious Adverse Events ? Assist in the preparation of listings for Annual IND reports, Periodic Reports (PRs) and Periodic Safety Update Reports (PSURs). ? Work with Data Management or client on reconciliation of safety databases. ? Begin participating in the generation of monthly status and other project-specific reports ensuring the quality and accuracy of metrics and data provided. ? Support/train less experienced safety staff in all aspects of case-handling, adverse event reporting. ? Maintains a comprehensive understanding of Covance Safety’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Work Instructions (WI), guidance documents and directives associated with safety management, reporting and pharmacovigilance. ? Possess knowledge of other procedural documents, e.g., SOPs, etc. that impact Safety. ? Ensure compliant safety reporting in accordance with US and international reporting regulations, SOPs and safety processing guidelines set forth by departmental management team and the client. ? Build and maintain good PV&DSS relationships across functional units. ? Demonstrate role-specific Competencies on a consistent basis. ? Demonstrate company Values on a consistent basis. ? Begin to develop a good knowledge of contract assumptions; identifying out of scope work. ? Read and understand Safety Management Plans (SMPs), Reconciliation Plans, and other safety-specific plans ensuring optimal efficiency. ? Begin participating in Covance project teams and client meetings as appropriate. ? Assist in the review of cumulative safety data for submission to Drug Safety Monitoring Boards (DSMBs), regulatory authorities or clients. ? Assist with the set-up of, and the provision of data to, Safety Committees/DSMBs. ? Assist in the co-ordination of endpoint committees, as required. ? Any other duties as assigned by management.
Education / Qualifications
- Safety experience includes actual experience processing AE/SAE reports, generating narratives, queries, working within safety databases, and experience with regulatory submissions - At least 1.5 year of drug safety exp. in clinical - Good English communication
채용 담당자 : Natalie.Zheng@covance.com(채용 관련 문의나 이력서는 이메일로 부탁 드립니다)
이전글 [에이디엠코리아(주)] 신입 PMS CRA 모집 2017.11.24
다음글 코반스코리아-Senior CRA/CRA-hematology/oncology 유경험자 우대 2017.11.23