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등록일자 : 2017-05-18 조회수 : 4392
~ 근무부서: Site Management in Pharmaceuticals
1.Managing the cross-functional Country Feasibility team and process, involving the local Monitoring and Site Management and local Medical organizations. 2.Leading cross-functional Site Selection Team to identify and determine interest and suitability of investigator’s for participation in the assigned study. 3.Developing Core Country Study Documents to initiate the study and ensures all study sites are initiated according to planned study timelines. 4.Developing the Country Enrollment and Retention Plan. 5. Manage country study budget 6.Ensuring all country CRAs are trained sufficiently for the trial. 7.Overseeing Country Study Oversight Plan to ensure quality and compliance which may include co-monitoring visits and coordinating Data Verification Initiatives. 8.Reporting Country Monthly report to SLM and Country Head for responsible trials. 10.For outsourced studies: the CLM is the primary contact with the country CRO team and will support the CRO with regulatory and ethics submissions.
The incumbent must have a Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalent) with 6 ? 7 years of relevant healthcare experience including 4 years of monitoring & site management experience. At least 3 years oncology experience is preferred.
전형방법 : 1차 서류전형 / 2차 면접전형 (서류전형 합격자에 한해 개별통지하여 면접진행)
제출서류 : 국문/영문 이력서, 자기소개서 (각종 증빙서류는 면접전형합격자에 한해 추후제출) 지원방법: www.bayer.co.kr 로 접속하여 인재채용 >> 채용공고에서 온라인지원 (영문이력서는 온라인 지원시 word 파일로 첨부하여 제출)
이전글 모집완료 / [에이디엠코리아(주)] 통계담당자 (Biostatistician) 모집 2017.06.01
다음글 [에이디엠코리아(주)] 2017년도 2기 신입 임상사업본부 CRA 모집 2017.05.08